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Kevin James Carroll

Heartsongs Chanting Circle

Moved to June 5 & 6, 2021

Soul Happenings' Garden


For more info on the change - click here 



Soul Happenings' Garden​

Kevin James is a man of the heart, bringer of love and joy, creator of beauty.  He's a chant leader from Australia with a unique ability to lead a room into ecstatic bliss and heart connection.

For the last 7 years, he has been traveling the world constantly, with the intention of joining hearts together with Mantra and Heartsong, to re-connect and remember who we are beyond the illusions of ego.  Kevin believes from this state of being we can be harmonious in our existence…

K. J. "My journey has been inspired by many teachers, the most important of these being my mother. Here’s one of her wise quotes that influenced my journey. When I was in my 20’s I came home from a protest and my mother said…

“Son, why do you fight the mirror? If you want to create a positive change in this world, just create something so beautiful that others want to be a part of it.”



“Sing mantras, dance and fly together in the group consciousness, devotion and community spirit.  Kevin James' music is a world fusion of chanting.  Weaving ancient mantra's with his own prayers and heart songs."





Venue:  Soul Happenings' Garden, Sparrenweg 10, 3051 Sint-Joris-Weert



We will follow the required protocol and respect rules and regulations to make this a wonderful and safe gathering.  Numbers, timing & location may change, according to the government's regulations


This is an outdoor concert, so please:​

  • be prepared for sun (protection, mosquito repellent) or rain (umbrella, rain jacket)



I already bought a ticket - what to do?

Nothing, your ticket remains valid for the new date.  If you print out or download your ticket now, you will see the new dates on it, if you already printed out the ticket, you can use that one, it is the barcode that counts


Je moet niets specifieks doen, wanneer je nu je ticket uitprint of download dan heb je meteen de nieuwe data, als je dit al deed, dan kan je het oude gebruiken, het is de barcode die telt.


Il ne faut rien faire - quand vous imprimez/télécharger le ticket, la nouvelle date sera dessus, si vous l'avez déjà fait, le ticket reste valable car c'est le code bar qui compte.




Chakra Tuning Voice exploration


We loooove to combine concerts with workshops.  First of all as it gives us the chance to dive deeper, to let it all sink in better and secondly, now because it has been way too long since we could all be together.   So let's fill our hearts, our lungs and our minds with good vibes only......


Improve and open your voice, reconnect to your true self, clear emotional blockages and give your energy centers a cleans and tune up with the power of sacred sounds and mantras. 


The introductory workshop involves a deep journey into the AUM as a meditation for cleansing the mind, also toning sacred sounds as a way to find emotional harmony and stability. Kevin will share his profound insight into the nature of sound and the connections it has to every part of our lives. You will be supported to open up to an effortless way of singing and connect to your natural voice with emotion and feeling. (The essence of Bhakti) Kevin will explain how this has a direct connection to your true authentic self and how you relate to life. You will come away from this with a daily practice that you can do by yourself at home.


OPEN LEVEL - An interactive workshop for all levels, perfect for anyone interested in healing through sound.



Info: 0478/60 60 86



Quotes from previous circles…


“Your music has always given me that feeling of home, that everything was going to be ok, even when my surroundings didn’t feel ok. That oneness is possible. That there’s hope/light in the darkest of situations.” S.M.


“What a kind and gentle man and how inspiring. He made 150 souls shine and together with him, we were like swimming in a pool of positive energy, love and togetherness. Hope to join you again next time.” A.K.


“What an incredibly nourishing deep evening, feeling sound move through me in new ways opening up places that are longing also to be seen. A truly magical night of deep awakening and healing love. Thank you with love and gratitude.” P. X





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