September 27 - Live in Concert - SOLD OUT
Irish College, Leuven​
September 28
The Way of Love:
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, and Chanting
Irish College, Leuven​
September 29 - EXTRA Concert!!!
Merlyn, Erpe-Mere
"Jai-Jagdeesh is so connected to her heart and soul when she sings that I find myself feeling held by the strength of her connection. In this place one finally has the opportunity to experience the divinity of the Mantra. Her presence and music is simple and pure. From this simplicity the most beautiful flower of her devotion and deep love for God is taking root in our hearts."
- Snatam Kaur
An unmissable evening with one of the world’s sweetest, silliest, most divine singers. You’ll probably sing, you might dance, and you’ll definitely laugh. Join Jai-Jagdeesh and her phenomenal band for a deep, groovy, soulful good time.
*Seating is first come, first served. All are welcome. And the hugs are free.
Jai-Jagdeesh's journey as a singer began nearly 25 years ago, in a temple in India. Spending her formative years in Northern India set the foundation for a deep connection to the sacred texts of the Kundalini yoga tradition & the Sikh faith.
Between then and now, her creative spirit has walked many artistic paths: actress, classical Indian dancer, photographer, and writer. With music now at the forefront, Jai-Jagdeesh is effervescently expressive:
Her journeying as a spiritual nomad coupled with a devotion to mantra and meditation has resulted in the creation of several acclaimed studio albums and meditation CDs, each one full of deep, transformative resonance.
With the dazzling new music of ‘Down Come the Walls,’ and with two books up her sleeves, Jai-Jagdeesh continues to inspire and connect with audiences worldwide, sharing songs and stories from the very center of her heart.
She's sparkling, funny, full of energy and love - being with her makes you smile, makes you happy and makes you shine! Her enthousiasme is heart-warming, her love for the "sacred sound" contagious. She's known to be surprising during her concerts, powerful and she has the gift to make her audience shine...
The Way of Love: Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, and Chanting - workshop
Imagine this: A world wherein conflicts are addressed with conscious communication; harsh family dynamics are softened because someone in the group is able to hold space for healing; you and I are not incapacitated by challenge & change, but instead motivated by it — to find solutions that will bring us closer to that shimmering grace of a life lived in full presence.
This is the Way of Love. With a strong nervous system (made possible by Kundalini Yoga), a neutral mind (made possible by meditation), an open heart (easily achieved with chanting!), and an attitude of gratitude (which we’ll practice together), we are able to walk this path. Let’s get uplifted so we can uplift!
*Seating is open. All levels of practice are welcome. Please bring your yoga mat, water, paper & pen/pencil, and a piece of your favourite easy-to-eat fruit.
Practical info:
September 27 & 28 - Irish College, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven
Sacred Chant Concert: September 27, 20h00-22h00 (doors open 19h30)
Yoga & Chant Workshop: September 28, 15h00-17h30
September 29 - Merlyn, Daalstraat 2, 9420 Erpe-Mere
Sacred Chant Concert: September 29, 14h00-16h00 (doors open 13h30)
Concert only
Presale: 35 euro
Door: 45 euro
Duo-ticket concert en workshop
Pre Sale: 75 euro
Door: 85euro
Kids under 5 - free entrance
Kids from 6-16: Concert 20euro, Workshop 20euro, duo 30euro
Info: 0478/60 60 86
Limited number of seats, so book fast if you want to be part of the magic!
NL - Jai-Jagdeesh is een sprankelende zangeres, danseres, yoga-teacher, creatieve geest en bezige bij... Haar enthousiasme is hartverwarmend, haar liefde voor "sacred sound" aanstekelijk. Zij staat erom gekend dat ze haar publiek verrast, verwarmt en doet stralen.
Jai-Jagdeesh werd begin jaren 80 geboren in een kundalini yoga familie, van kinds af aan was ze al doordrongen door yoga, meditatie en sacred sounds... Als klein ukje al bespeelde zij haar harmonium. Zij ging vanaf haar 6de naar Yogi Bhajan’s school in Indië waar haar creativiteit geen einde kende: fotografie, schrijven, schilderen en dans...
In 2008 ging zij mee op tournee met GuruGanesha om de concerten telkens te openen met een dansact. Op een avond kreeg zij een microfoon in handen geduwd met de vraag om de upbeat nummers wat vocale ondersteuning te geven. En toen werd voor haar duidelijk wat ze eigenlijk echt wil doen: zingen.
Zij ging terug naar haar roots, gaf verschillende dagen per week yoga les, begon weer harmonium te spelen en zong de hymnes die ze als klein meisje al zong. Voor ze er erg in had, stroomde haar creativiteit en totaal onverwacht was zij aan het componeren. Ze gaf haar eerste cd uit en is sindsdien blijven zingen, opnames doen, en volgde haar hart in alle creativiteit. Met nederigheid, gratie en zachtheid brengt ze een beetje dans en heel veel liefde in de wereld van kirtan.