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"Under the Tree"  with Mirabai Ceiba




Soul Happenings' Garden - New date!  July 4 @ 18h00

We invite you to join us for a magical music gathering in the most beautiful venue: our nature.

“ It has been since a while in our minds to offer a special concert series where we would invite people to listen to our music outdoors surrounded by nature, as this has always been the fountain of inspiration to write our music and a place of finding inner peace”


And so, in Soul Happenings' beautiful garden  in Meerdaalwoud" we will come together, breathe in fresh air, nourish our hearts and souls and celebrate life!




A gentle yet expansive spirit pervades all the music of Mirabai Ceiba. The delicate sounds of harp, piano, and guitar blend with lovingly intertwined voices amid lush celestial soundscapes. Their concerts are group celebrations for peace—joyous and loving occasions that embody the duo’s profound belief in music as a universal language uniting all the world’s peoples, cultures and traditions.



De muziek van Mirabai Ceiba is zacht, toegankelijk en tegelijkertijd doordringend. De zoete klanken van harp, piano en guitaar versmelten wonderlijk met hun harmonieuze stemmen.
Hun concerten zijn telkens weer een uiting van vrede, en van hun persoonlijke diepe geloof, dat muziek een universele taal is om mensen, culturen en tradities te verbinden.  

La musique de Mirabai CEIBA semble accessible au premier abord, mais elle pénètre en profondeur.... La harpe, le piano et la guitare accompagnent leurs voix dans la douceur et l'harmonie.
Chacun de leurs concerts est une expression touchante de la joie de vivre de leur groupe,... Mais aussi de leur profonde conviction que la musique est une langue universelle capable de créer des liens profonds entre les humains, entre les cultures et entre les traditions.


Date:  Saturday, July 4 2021- 18h00


Place:  Soul Happenings' Garden, Sparrenweg 10, 3051 Sint-Joris-Weert



Early Bird tickets - (limited number available): 25euro

Regular ticket: 35euro

Last Minute ticket: 45euro


children under 12 - free

children 12 - 18 - 15euro





This is an outdoor concert, so please:

  • bring a cushion or yoga mat to sit on

  • be prepared for sun (protection, mosquito repellent) or rain (umbrella, rain jacket)

  • you are welcome as of 17h00








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